Common Troubleshooting

​Gmelius is not loading

List of instructions to follow to get Gmelius running again in your inbox.

Updated by Gmelius

​Troubleshooting a Shared Inbox

Find in this article instructions to help you troubleshoot an existing Gmelius shared inbox, depending on whether the latter shared mailbox has been created from an existing Google Group or an email alias.

Updated by Gmelius

​Gmail is slow

Gmelius is used by thousands of teams everyday, and designing a platform that is fast has always been a top priority for our Engineering team. If you experience slowness in your Gmail inbox, this is…

Updated by Gmelius

How to clear my local storage

To clear your local storage, please follow the article steps.

Updated by Gmelius

Activation window keeps popping up

If you keep seeing the activation screen or the authentication screen at every load of your inbox, ensure that your browser is not configured to clear your browsing data whenever it closes since Gmel…

Updated by Gmelius

My signature is not updated on my templates

You've recently updated your Gmail signature, but your templates and sequences do not show the updated one. How to force the update.

Updated by Gmelius

How to fix the Err_Connection_Reset error

In certain rare cases, you may see the following error (Err_Connection_Reset Error) and/or cannot access ESET ant-virus The ESET anti-virus is known to block TLS 1.2 secured pages…

Updated by Gmelius

Why isn't my shared email opened?

By default, closed shared conversations in Gmelius will automatically re-open if a new reply is received. However, there are two exceptions to this rule: 1. Replies Received Within 45 Seconds. To pre…

Payam from Gmelius
Updated by Payam from Gmelius

Workspaces created before April 2021

If you have created a shared inbox or a shared Gmail label before April 2021, some of them need an update. Some of your shared inboxes might have a set-up that automatically displays new emails, both…


How to know if my issue is related to a conflict or not?

If you are using Gmelius alongside other Gmail extensions, you may (in some rare occasions) see an error message or a UI glitch. The best way to check for extension conflicts is to test Gmelius in an…

Updated by Gmelius

Progressive Web App (PWA)

Access Gmelius on your mobile device and enjoy the same collaboration features as our web app for desktop through Progressive Web App (PWA).

Updated by Gmelius

User showing as inactive

If you created a shared workspace and then notice that your user(s) are marked as inactive, this usually occurs for the following reasons.

Updated by Gmelius

Gmail API: Troubleshooting "User-rate limit exceeded" errors

Google services (incl. Gmail) have limitations on how many data requests a third party application, such as Gmelius, and their users can make to it. This is also called rate-limiting and it is in pla…

Updated by Gmelius
