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Why isn't my shared email opened?

By default, closed shared conversations in Gmelius will automatically re-open if a new reply is received. However, there are two exceptions to this rule: 1. Replies Received Within 45 Seconds. To pre…

Payam from Gmelius
Updated by Payam from Gmelius

By default, closed shared conversations in Gmelius will automatically re-open if a new reply is received. However, there are two exceptions to this rule:

1. Replies Received Within 45 Seconds

To prevent unnecessary reopening of closed conversations due to false positives, such as auto-reply messages, Gmelius does not change the status of the conversation or the linked Kanban board card within the first 45 seconds after it has been closed.

2. Internal Reply Messages

Replies from members within your Gmelius workspace (internal messages) will not cause a closed shared conversation to re-open.

If you want a shared conversation to re-open regardless of these exceptions, you can create an automation rule to re-open the conversation whenever a new reply is received.

How did we do?

Troubleshooting a Shared Inbox

Workspaces created before April 2021
