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How to use Gmelius advanced search

Gmelius Updated by Gmelius

Gmelius' search functionality is an advanced version of custom views that allows you to filter shared conversations across multiple workspaces and use advanced combinations of filters.

How to use the advanced search in Gmail

To activate Gmelius' search first enter Gmelius' search operator gmelius:search in the Gmail search box.

After that, you can apply one or several conditions.

Structure of a Gmelius search query

Gmelius offers a very powerful search engine whose queries follow the below structure.

  • Search operator - a parameter in lowercase to narrow the focus of the search (e.g., tag:).
  • Term - what exactly you want to search for (e.g., Important). Terms are case-sensitive.

A search operator and a term are always separated by a colon ":" (e.g., tag:Important).

Below you will find a list of what you can search by, as well as how the search operator should look like and some examples.

Search by

Search operator & term example



Example 1: gmelius:search workspace:Support to match conversations that are part of the Support workspace

Example 2: gmelius:search workspace:"awesome project"to match conversations that are part of the awesome project workspace

Use double quotation marks " " to search for a workspace whose title contains more than 1 word.

Example 3: gmelius:search workspace:Support or workspace:Success to match conversations that are part of the Support or Success workspaces



Example 1: gmelius:search assignee:[email protected] to match conversations assigned to Jane

Example 2: gmelius:search assignee:anyone to match unassigned conversations



Example 1: gmelius:search status:open or status:pending to match conversations with statuses Open or Pending

Example 2: gmelius:search status:closed to match closed conversations



Example 1: gmelius:search tag:Urgent to match conversations tagged as Urgent

Example 2: gmelius:search tag:"SLA breach" or tag:"SLA warning" to match conversations tagged as SLA breach OR SLA warning

Use double quotation marks " " to force an exact-match search.

Example 3: gmelius:search tag:Urgent and tag:Investigation to conversations tagged as Urgent AND Investigation



Example: gmelius:search note:"Follow up"



Example: gmelius:search not tag:Payment to match conversations without the tag Payment



Example 1: gmelius:search from:[email protected] to match conversations sent by [email protected]

Example 2: gmelius:search from:paul* to match conversations with a sender email starting with paul

Example 3: gmelius:search from:* to match conversations with a sender email ending with

Email Subject


Example 1: gmelius:search subject:invoiceto match conversations that contain the word invoice in the email subject



The search operation date: can be used to match conversations received in a specific time range.

The range contains two parts, from and to.

Both parts are built following the logic now - X period.

Available periods:

h: hours

d: days

w: weeks

M: months

Q: quarters

y: years

Please note, M and Q have to be written in uppercase, while h, d, w, and y - are in lowercase.

Example 1: gmelius:search date:[now-5h to now-0h] to match conversations that were received during the last 5 hours

Example 2: gmelius:search date:[now-0d to now-0d] to match conversations that were received today

Example 3: gmelius:search date:[now-2d to now-0d] to match conversations that were received during the past 2 days plus today

Example 4: gmelius:search date:[now-0w to now-0w] to match conversations that were received this week

Example 5: gmelius:search date:[now-1M to now-0d] to match conversations that were received during the last month including today

Example 6: gmelius:search date:[now-1Q to now-1Q] to match conversations that were received during the last quarter

Example 7: gmelius:search date:[now-0Q to now-0Q] to match conversations that were received during this quarter

Example 8: gmelius:search date:[now-1y to now-1y] to match conversations that were received during the last year

Use square brackets [ ] if you want from/to date(s) to be included.
Use curly brackets { } if you want from/to date(s) to be excluded.

Conditions you can use to combine search operators and terms

  1. Between each condition, an operator or / and can be used.

Example 1: gmelius:search tag:Important or tag:Priority to match conversations tagged as Important OR Priority.

Example 2: gmelius:search tag:Important and assignee:[email protected] to match conversations tagged as Important AND assigned to Jane.

If no operator is specified between two conditions, and will be added automatically.

  1. Parenthesis ( ) can be used to mix operators.

Example: gmelius:search assignee:[email protected] and (tag:Important or tag:Priority) to match conversations assigned to Jane AND tagged as Important OR Priority.

How did we do?

How to create and use custom views

How to share a draft in Gmail?
