Getting Started
Install Gmelius
How to install Gmelius
How to Install Gmelius across your Google Workspace domain
How to install Gmelius on your mobile device
Your First Steps
Gmelius Starter Kit
Quick Start Guide for Team Admins and Managers
Quick Start Guide for Users
Get started with the Gmelius University
Switch to Gmelius
Shared Inboxes
How to create a shared inbox
How to create a shared inbox for a primary email address
How to create a shared inbox for an email alias
How to create a shared inbox for a Google Group
Understanding shared inboxes
How to manage emails in your shared inbox
How to configure a Google Group in order to convert it into a shared inbox
Manage users of a workspace
How to send emails and reply from a shared email address
How to stop sharing an email conversation?
How to create an email alias
How to consolidate multiple email addresses into one shared inbox
Prevent forwarded emails from being shared
How to manage your shared inbox with the Board View
How to use AI Tagging
How to share an inbox with your assistant (EA/VA)
Shared Gmail Labels
How to share Gmail labels
How to edit your shared labels
How to manage and apply shared Gmail labels
How to filter emails in shared label by assignments or status
Prioritise a shared label
Kanban Boards
How to create a board
How to add and use task cards
How to add an email to a board
Manage your boards
How to create a board of your inbox
How to add attachments in boards
How to use automations with Boards
How to delete a board
Notes and @mentions
Email Delegation
How to create and use tags
Understanding the difference between a shared inbox and a shared Gmail label
How to use workspaces?
How to create and use custom views
How to use Gmelius advanced search
How to share a draft in Gmail?
How to avoid double replies
How to use shared conversation permalinks?
Emails are not arriving in the shared inbox
How to be notified of assigned emails?
How to view the full history of a shared email conversation?
How to use the multiple inbox view
Manage workspaces
Pin the "Mine (all)" in your inbox
How do I fix the "This app is blocked" error message?
Transfer the ownership of a workspace
How to re-assign all emails to another user
Why my email is shared in another workspace?
How to migrate emails from one Gmail account to another?
How to synchronize and share historical (past) email conversations?
Rules and SLAs
Understanding Gmelius Rules
How to create a rule
How to see emails both in a workspace and in your regular inbox
How to set-up an autoresponder
How to create alerts for shared inboxes (SLA)
How to automatically distribute emails using Round-Robin and Load balancing Assignments
How to add and use business hours
Email Templates
How to create and share email templates
How to create and use email snippets
How to use a template in Gmail
How to insert images in a template
How to add attachments to a template
How to add smart variables to a template
How to manage your email templates
How to create a meeting
How to schedule meetings from your inbox
How to share and edit meetings
How to connect your Zoom account to Gmelius Meetings
Email Sequences
How to create a sequence
How to add contacts to a sequence
How to remove a contact from a sequence
How to share a sequence
How to edit an active sequence
How to pause a sequence during the weekend
How to add contacts to a sequence from Gmail mobile app
Email Campaigns
How to create and edit campaigns
How many emails can I send each day with campaigns?
Understanding the difference between a single-stage and a multi-stage campaign?
How to add an unsubscribe link
Why my campaign is not sent to all contacts?
How to stop a multi-stage campaign?
How to export my Google contacts to a CSV file
Understanding the analytics of your campaign
How to set up a campaign with SMTP
Email Tools - β οΈ Deprecated
Email Tracking
How to track an email
How to know if my emails have been read
How to enable per-recipient tracking
I get an open notification when checking my sent emails
Email tracking is not working
Possible reasons behind a large number of opens on my tracked emails
Email Scheduling
Understanding the difference between snooze and follow-up?
How to customize snooze and follow-up behavior?
Snooze and Conversation View mode OFF
How to log emails to a CRM
How to use automatic Bcc or Cc in Gmail
Account & Billing
How to add and manage users
Gmelius roles and permissions
How to transfer a subscription or super admin role to another account
How to cancel my subscription
How to uninstall Gmelius
How to permanently delete my Gmelius account
Custom roles and permissions
Difference between my legacy plan and the current ones
Refund Policy
How to upgrade to a paid plan
Accepted forms of payment
How to update my billing details
Do you offer any discounts or coupons?
General FAQs
What happens at the end of my trial?
How to contact support?
Do you have a public roadmap?
Is Gmelius available in another language?
Is Gmelius available for Microsoft Outlook?
Add users from different domains
How to take part in Gmelius' referral program?
How to update the extension to Manifest Version 3 (MV3)?
Keyboard shortcuts
What happens when I change the password of my Gmail account?
How to reactivate a trial of Gmelius?
Common Troubleshooting
Gmelius is not loading
How to clear my local storage
Activation window keeps popping up
My signature is not updated on my templates
How to fix the Err_Connection_Reset error
Troubleshooting a Shared Inbox
Why isn't my shared email opened?
Workspaces created before April 2021
How to know if my issue is related to a conflict or not?
Gmail is slow
User showing as inactive
Gmail API: Troubleshooting "User-rate limit exceeded" errors
Legal & Policies
In this page
- All Categories
- Workspaces
- Analytics
- Guide: Analytics and Reporting
Guide: Analytics and Reporting
by Gmelius
Gmelius lets you generate different types of reports to get precise data about the charge of your teams and assess individual team member performance
Analytics can be accessed by users with the following roles:
- Super Admin
- Admin
- Company Analytics Manager
- Team Manager
- Team Analytics Manager
To access Gmelius analytics head to πΒ
Filters allow you to select workspace(s), filter reports for the specific tag(s), and set a period of time

New Conversations tab
The New conversations tab lets you analyze the load of new emails and activities in the selected workspace(s).

Inside the New conversations tab, you can see:
- Incoming conversations - Total number of incoming conversations. This also includes conversations added or routed manually, e.g., via @mention:
- A new conversation, new message, or reply was added
- Change of assignee
- Status update to Open, Pending, or Closed
- A note is added, removed, or updated
- A shared label is added or removed
- Other actions such as the prevention of sharing
- Handled conversations - the total number of conversations that have been handled by the team, including team replies, status changes, and assignments.
The counting starts when the conversation is shared within the selected workspace(s) and it can only happen once for a conversation. - Incoming conversations per day - the average number of new conversations per day
- Busiest day - a day of the week when (on average) most of the new conversations have been received
- Busiest time - an hour of the day when (on average) most of the new conversations have been received
- You can also organize the graph for new conversations per day, week, or monthIf you are on the Pro plan, you can also export the data in CSV format.
Team tab
The Team tab gives you the statistics about each team member and includes the number of email conversations closed, the number of emails a user assigned, the number he/she was assigned, and the average time to close.

Inside the Team tab, you can see:
- Assigned conversations - the total number of assigned conversations during the selected period of time, regardless of the current status of an assigned conversation (All statuses are taken into the account: Open, Pending, and Closed)
- Assigned conversations per teammate - the average number of assigned conversations per team member within the selected workspaces
- Closed conversations per teammate - the average number of closed conversations per team member
- Number of replies per user
- First reply time - the average time between a conversation is added to a workspace and the moment a team member replies to itDid you know that you can create SLA alerts to decrease the first reply time and time to close conversations? Check out thisΒ articleΒ to learn more.
- Number of conversations a specific user was assigned to by the others, themself, or an automationA conversation can be assigned to a teammate and then re-assigned to another teammate. In this case, the conversation will be counted for both team members in the Assigned to and/or Was assigned columns, depending on the teammates' actions.
- Closed - total number of Closed conversations by a specific team member
- Time to close - the average time it takes a specific user to change a conversation's status to ClosedWhen you reply to an email conversation assigned to you, make sure to close it. This way, you will have an accurate average time to close. If you receive a reply to a closed conversation that was assigned to you, this conversation will automatically change its status to "Open" and will appear in your "Mine" folder.
Productivity tab
The Productivity tab gives your general statistics about the closed conversations in workspaces.

Inside the Productivity tab, you can see:
- Time to close - the average time it took members of the selected workspaces to close a conversation. This metric takes the time between the first sharing action and the moment when the conversation was closed
For example, if a conversation is received on June 1st but is shared (added to a workspace) on June 3rd, then the time to close will be calculated using June 3rd as a reference. - Closed conversations - total number of closed conversations during the selected periodIf a conversation was closed, then re-opened and closed again during the selected time period, it will be counted as closed only once.
- Closed conversations per day - the average number of closed conversations per day during the selected time period
- Most productive day - a day of the week when, on average, the number of closed conversations is higher than for all other weekdays
- Most productive time - a time of the day when, on average, the number of closed conversations is higher than for all other hours
- Team replies - Team replies across all conversations
- Replied conversations - Conversations that received replies from team members
- First reply time - the average time between a conversation is added to a workspace and the moment a team member replies to it
Tags tab
The Tags tab gives you a detailed overview of the tags' usage.

It includes:
- The total number of times a tag was applied
- The first reply time - the average time between a conversation is added to a workspace and the moment a team member replies to it
- The number of assigned conversations per tag
- The number of closed conversations per tag
- Time to close - The average time needed to close conversations marked with a specific tag
Business hours
If you are on the Pro plan, you can add business hours for data to be calculated accordingly.