Shared Gmail Labels

How to share Gmail labels

Shared labels will help you manage projects, accounts, delegate emails and overall collaborate with your team. You can set up a new Gmail Shared Label, from your Gmelius dashboard.

Updated by Gmelius

How to edit your shared labels

How can I add users to a shared label. How to delete a shared label. Label Workflow: How to change the way my label works.

Updated by Gmelius

How to manage and apply shared Gmail labels

Apply labels manually, automatically with Gmail filters or Gmelius Rules.


How to filter emails in shared label by assignments or status

Filter your email list in shared labels by assignments or status


Prioritise a shared label

If you have a shared label that requires you to have clear visibility, you can use Gmail’s "Multiple inboxes" tool to bring it to the top of the inbox. Let's say, you and your team have a shared inbo…

