How to add an unsubscribe link
An unsubscribe opt-out is a fundamental option to have in all your communications. Gmelius lets you insert a discrete, yet visible unsubscribe link to all emails sent in bulk.

Gmelius lets you insert an unsubscribe link to all emails sent via Gmelius campaigns and sequences.
In order to follow best privacy practices, any contact who clicks on an unsubscribe link will be unsubscribed from all your future campaigns.

How to add an unsubscribe link to a campaign
In the 2nd step of your campaign creation ensure to click on "include unsubscribe link" at the bottom of the editor.

Once the campaign sent, you'll be then able to view and export the contacts who decided to unsubscribe by accessing your campaign's analytics.
How to add the unsubscribe link to a sequence of emails
Head to your sequence settings and enable the option "Include unsubscribe link"
👉Click here to head to the sequence menu.

Why do I need to include an unsubscribe link?
Avoid Spam folders
You should know by now, how harmful it’s for your reputation to have emails that end up in spam folders. By including an unsubscribe link in your emails, it automatically gives you more chances to end up in the inbox rather than in the spam folder.
Keep your Customer Happy
Even if you have optimized your campaigns' messages, content, incentives, and frequencies, not all your customers will be equally receptive to them. It’s important to be understanding of people’s needs and preferences and allow them to opt out of your email list if they wish to do so. In fact, this improves the whole email marketing experience, to make sure that unlike social channels, your inbox is for content you specifically choose and want to see.
GDPR Compliance
To be compliant with the EU GDPR, you need to ensure a proper way for their contacts to unsubscribe from your mailing list. The unsubscribe process under GDPR needs to be clear and simple, and Gmelius Campaigns offers you a visible unsubscribe link in each email from where your subscriber can easily unsubscribe from all your email communications. According to article 17 of the GDPR, all data subjects have the right to request their data to be erased. You have the obligation of deleting such data when the data subject withdraws consent for it to be collected and used or when it’s no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. It is within a data subject's rights to request to unsubscribe from a list and the data controller's right to delete such data. Keep note with GDPR, consent cannot be something that you obtain once and that’s it.
If you need to learn more about Gmelius' commitment to full compliance with the new in effect GDPR please visit:
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