Progressive Web App (PWA)

Gmelius Updated by Gmelius

Access Gmelius on your mobile device and enjoy the same features as the desktop version through the Progressive Web App (PWA).

How to access

To access the PWA, open on your mobile browser and add it to your home screen to automatically receive Push notifications.

The PWA is supported on all plans and is compatible with both iOS and Android devices.

I don't receive any notifications. How do I fix this?

1. Ensure that the notifications for Gmelius are allowed on your mobile device. 

For iOS:

  1. Enable your Gmelius notifications. Head to Settings > Notifications. Under "Notifications Style", look for Gmelius and toggle the 'Allow Notifications' option. 
  2. Enable your iOS notifications:

For Android: 

  1. Enable your notifications for Gmelius. Head to Settings > Notifications. Under "App notifications", look for Gmelius and turn it on.
  2. You can also press and hold the Gmelius PWA icon to open a popup menu. In the menu, select "Site Settings" > "Notifications". Finally, turn on the "Show Notifications" option.

2. For both iOS and Android, make sure that "Push notifications” is enabled by accessing your Settings page:

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