In this page

How to add and manage users

Gmelius Updated by Gmelius

Manage users

Users with the role of "Admin" or "Manager" of a Gmelius subscription can manage users under their Gmelius subscription by heading to

The Manager role is available for our Growth and Pro customers.

Add users

To invite team members, go to

Remove users

  1. Go to
  2. Select the user(s) you wish to remove in the default "Users" tab
  3. Click on the red Remove button at the top right corner of your users' list.

Replace users

  1. First, remove the user(s) from your subscription.

Any unused time will be automatically and instantaneously credited to your account.

  1. Add the new users

Any credit from the removed users will be allocated for the addition of the new user.

All users follow the billing cycle of their team's subscription and the cost of their addition is prorated to the billing cycle of the latter subscription.
All billing operations are pro-rated meaning what a customer paid for the Plus tier will be taken into account and deducted from the coming fees whenever the customer upgrades to the Growth tier.

Create a Team

Plan: Pro

Gmelius allows you to organize your account into Teams (separate team workspaces) - without complicating your billing and subscription. Each Team can have its own Team Admin and a specific workspace.

  1. Go to your account and click on Company
  2. Click on the tab Teams
  3. Click on Create Team
  1. Name your team
  2. You can place this team under the supervision of another one (main team). The main team administrators will have full access to this team.
  3. Select the team administrator(s)
  4. Select the team members and validate by clicking on Create

You can create up to 10 teams under your subscription. A Gmelius user, including the admin of the subscription, can be part of maximum six teams.

Team Roles

  • Team Manager: They can manage their respective teams' users, assign roles and access analytics.
    • add/remove users to their teams
    • create sub-teams within their teams
    • assign roles within their teams and sub-teams
  • Team Reports: They can review team performance through access to analytics.
  • User: Users are allowed to collaborate directly with their teams, and not with the whole list of users in their Gmelius subscription.

For example, you can organize your Gmelius subscription with Teams for each company department, and create separate shared inboxes, shared labels, templates, boards, and sequences for each team. 

How did we do?

Gmelius roles and permissions
