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How to create a meeting

Gmelius Updated by Gmelius

Create a new meeting

Open your Gmelius sidebar and click create and choose Meetings. You will be redirected to your dashboard.

Direct link:

Add meeting details

  • Meeting name: The name of the meeting event your invitees will see, e.g., webinar, quick meeting, demo, 1:1 consult.
  • Hashtag: Use the hashtag to quickly insert your meeting in your emails. See how here.
  • Description: Describe the purpose of the meeting or leave a note for your invitees.
Google Calendars

Connect your meeting with your Google calendar. You can add additional calendars, or create a specific calendar for certain meetings.

Select Conferencing

You can select, Google Meet, Zoom or type any other medium or physical location.

Activate the meeting link to allow your invitees access and schedule a meeting.

When the link is deactivated, you won't be able to add it from your compose window.

Set up your availability

Choose when you would like to be available for this specific meeting.

By default your availability is from Monday to Friday, from 8am to 5pm in your current timezone.

Choose your timezone if needed.

Choose your location under Public Holidays to automatically deactivate vacation days of your location.

Adjust availability options

By default your meetings will be scheduled for 30 minutes with a 15 minute buffer between meetings.

Enter the maximum number of meetings per day if needed. This number applies only to a specific meeting, not all the meetings accumulated.

Decide on the book range. By default your invitees will be allowed to schedule meetings between 1 and 20 days from the current day.

Add invitee questions

Add up to 10 questions to your invitees. These questions will appear on the meeting confirmation page.

Activate the toggle if you'd like a question to be required and choose the answer type.

Save the meeting

Don't forget to save the meeting.

Once your meeting is saved you will be able to schedule it from your compose window. See how here.

Create email reminders

Access Meeting Settings to create an email reminder at the time of your choice.

Share a meeting with your team

Access Meeting Settings. From the drop down list choose teammates you want to share the meeting with.

You can allow teammates to edit the meeting by ticking the "Users can edit" option.

To start scheduling meeting with your contacts, check the steps here.

How did we do?

How to schedule meetings from your inbox
