How to cancel my subscription

Gmelius Updated by Gmelius

If you need to switch your active subscription to a new or different email address, please view this article.

You can directly cancel your Gmelius subscription at any time from your account page. Any monthly or annual payments you've already made are nonrefundable (for more information please see our Refund policy).

When you cancel your subscription, the cancelation becomes effective at the end of your current billing cycle. For the remainder period, your subscription can be transferred to another email address. Unused time can be credited as well to another active Gmelius subscription.

You are accountable for the entire upfront fees associated with your chosen subscription period, even upon early termination of use.

To cancel your subscription:
  1. Ensure you're the administrator of your Gmelius subscription
  2. Head to

Once confirmed, your subscription will be set to cancel at the end of your current billing period.

For any further questions, please send an email to 💌[email protected]

How did we do?

How to transfer a subscription or super admin role to another account

How to uninstall Gmelius
